Sorg, GabrieleTrainer

Gabriele Sorg has more than 25 years of experience in innovation management, sustainable business development and communication as a consultant and independent journalist. She offers communication consulting and publishing services (specialist books, editorials, white papers, features, blogs) and ghost-writing with a strong focus on innovation and sustainability. She is a sustainable business and communication coach, networking, and business catalyst, connecting people online and offline.
JARO eLearning Sustainable Procurement - Module 1.4 - Circular Economy - Basics (Course languages: English with optional Mandarin subtitles / 英语发音中文字幕)
JARO eLearning Sustainable Procurement - Module 2.23 - Using Innovations for more Sustainability (Course languages: English with optional Mandarin subtitles / 英语发音中文字幕)
JARO eLearning Sustainable Procurement - Module 2.5 - Development and Implementation of a Communication Program (Course languages: English with optional Mandarin subtitles / 英语发音中文字幕)
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