Dr. Costa-Schott, RosárioTrainer

Dr. Rosário Costa-Schott is a lecturer at the Munich University of Applied Sciences with a focus on sustainable management and post-growth society, and on the certificate series "Social Work in the Immigration Society". She is also a lecturer at the University of Rostock for advanced training in "Sustainable Business / Corporate Social Responsibility" and "Corporate Citizenship". She has various roles as freelance consultant, trainer and lecturer with a focus on sustainable responsibility and integration.
JARO eLearning Sustainable Procurement - Module 2.20 - Evaluation Standards for Sustainability Reports – how to read Sustainability Reports (Course languages: English with optional Mandarin subtitles / 英语发音中文字幕)
JARO eLearning Sustainable Procurement - Module 3.7 - Civil Society, Corporate Citizenship and NGOs (Course languages: English with optional Mandarin subtitles / 英语发音中文字幕)
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