What do you need to pay attention to in supplier evaluations? Which ratings are there and how do they differ? How can the supplier's sustainability performance be improved? In this module we will explain this in more detail.The module covers the following content:Introduction to Supplier Ratings
- What is a supplier Rating?
- Benefits and use of supplier Ratings
- Structure of supplier evaluations
- Conventional criterias for supplier ratings
- Example for an evaluation process
- Conventional supplier evaluation matrix
Supplier Sustainability Ratings, Examples and integration into procurement
- Sustainability Supplier Ratings
- Types of supplier sustainability ratings
- Rating tool evaluation
- Third-party Supplier Rating Tools
- Example: Ecovadis Platform - CSR-Criteria, Scoring Process, Scoring Results
- How to benefit from sustainability scoring results: as a procurement professional and as a supplier
- Best Practice
- Guiding questions – get started
Course languages: German, English with optional Mandarin subtitles课程语言:德语、 英语、 英语发音中文字幕