3.9 Sustainability in Public ProcurementLearning plan

Why is it so important to make public procurement more sustainable? What are the EU Treaty Principles? How is procedural security guaranteed? You will learn about the possibilities offered by public procurement law and where you can find proven support services.

The module covers the following content:

Regulatory Framework
  • Regulatory Framework and EU Treaty Principles
  • Strategy and planning
  • Sustainability along the buying process - Needs assessment
  • Needs assessment: the most influential step!
  • Circular procurement (CP) opportunities
  • The importance of collaboration: external supply chain and internal stakeholders
  • Market Engagement – a source of innovation: purpose and legal base
  • Market Engagement – a source of innovation: pre-procurement, during tender and post tender
Choice of procedures
  • Sustainability along the buying process - requirements and tender
  • Choice of procedures
  • Technical Specifications: technical, performance-based or functional specifications
  • Using labels in technical specifications
  • Sustainability along the buying process​ - evaluation and placement
  • Award Criteria including MEAT
  • Most Economically Advantageous Tender: Life cacle costs
  • Selecting bidders
Contract Clauses and Verification​
  • Sustainability along the buying process - continous improvement
  • Contract performance clauses and verification​
  • Best Practice: textiles, communications technology and electronics, construction services, furniture and food & catering

Course languages: German, English with optional Mandarin subtitles

课程语言:德语、 英语、 英语发音中文字幕
Course type Seminar
Learning Duration 42 Minutes
Price 160.50 EUR (incl. 7% VAT rate)
Target Group
This module is aimed at:
  • CPOs and Purchasing Managers
  • CSR Professionals
  • Suppliers of Goods and Services
  • Strategic Buyers and Category Managers
  • Tactical Purchasers and Supplier Managers
Learning Objectives
After having accomplished this training, the participant:
  • Understand the EU Treaty Principles for public procurement
  • Understand how sustainability can be integrated into procurement processes according to the specific legal framework for sustainability in the context of public procurement
  • Know the benefits of sustainable public procurement in selected categories
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Prüfungsordnung 52,6 KB
Examination Regulations 47,3 KB
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